Data Visualization

In this notebook, we conduct data visulization on the clean data.

Load the data

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

clean_data = pd.read_csv("../data/clean.csv")
id diagnosis radius_mean texture_mean perimeter_mean area_mean smoothness_mean compactness_mean concavity_mean concave points_mean ... radius_worst texture_worst perimeter_worst area_worst smoothness_worst compactness_worst concavity_worst concave points_worst symmetry_worst fractal_dimension_worst
0 842302 1.0 17.99 10.38 122.80 1001.0 0.11840 0.27760 0.3001 0.14710 ... 25.38 17.33 184.60 2019.0 0.1622 0.6656 0.7119 0.2654 0.4601 0.11890
1 842517 1.0 20.57 17.77 132.90 1326.0 0.08474 0.07864 0.0869 0.07017 ... 24.99 23.41 158.80 1956.0 0.1238 0.1866 0.2416 0.1860 0.2750 0.08902
2 84300903 1.0 19.69 21.25 130.00 1203.0 0.10960 0.15990 0.1974 0.12790 ... 23.57 25.53 152.50 1709.0 0.1444 0.4245 0.4504 0.2430 0.3613 0.08758
3 84348301 1.0 11.42 20.38 77.58 386.1 0.14250 0.28390 0.2414 0.10520 ... 14.91 26.50 98.87 567.7 0.2098 0.8663 0.6869 0.2575 0.6638 0.17300
4 84358402 1.0 20.29 14.34 135.10 1297.0 0.10030 0.13280 0.1980 0.10430 ... 22.54 16.67 152.20 1575.0 0.1374 0.2050 0.4000 0.1625 0.2364 0.07678

5 rows × 32 columns

Since the feature id is irrelevant, we drop it from our data.

clean_data = clean_data.drop("id", axis=1)



Let us first find out what features do we have.

Index(['diagnosis', 'radius_mean', 'texture_mean', 'perimeter_mean',
       'area_mean', 'smoothness_mean', 'compactness_mean', 'concavity_mean',
       'concave points_mean', 'symmetry_mean', 'fractal_dimension_mean',
       'radius_se', 'texture_se', 'perimeter_se', 'area_se', 'smoothness_se',
       'compactness_se', 'concavity_se', 'concave points_se', 'symmetry_se',
       'fractal_dimension_se', 'radius_worst', 'texture_worst',
       'perimeter_worst', 'area_worst', 'smoothness_worst',
       'compactness_worst', 'concavity_worst', 'concave points_worst',
       'symmetry_worst', 'fractal_dimension_worst'],

Besides the feature id and the response variable diagnosis, there are 30 features in total, which can be splited into three groups - mean, standard error, and “worst” or largest. In each group, we have radius, texture, perimeter, area, smoothness, compactness, concavity, concave points, symmetry, and fractal dimension.

Since the three groups of features describe similar things, we might want to inspect the collinearity between each pair of features by computing the correlation matrix.

clean_data.drop("diagnosis", axis=1).corr()
radius_mean texture_mean perimeter_mean area_mean smoothness_mean compactness_mean concavity_mean concave points_mean symmetry_mean fractal_dimension_mean ... radius_worst texture_worst perimeter_worst area_worst smoothness_worst compactness_worst concavity_worst concave points_worst symmetry_worst fractal_dimension_worst
radius_mean 1.000000 0.323782 0.997855 0.987357 0.170581 0.506124 0.676764 0.822529 0.147741 -0.311631 ... 0.969539 0.297008 0.965137 0.941082 0.119616 0.413463 0.526911 0.744214 0.163953 0.007066
texture_mean 0.323782 1.000000 0.329533 0.321086 -0.023389 0.236702 0.302418 0.293464 0.071401 -0.076437 ... 0.352573 0.912045 0.358040 0.343546 0.077503 0.277830 0.301025 0.295316 0.105008 0.119205
perimeter_mean 0.997855 0.329533 1.000000 0.986507 0.207278 0.556936 0.716136 0.850977 0.183027 -0.261477 ... 0.969476 0.303038 0.970387 0.941550 0.150549 0.455774 0.563879 0.771241 0.189115 0.051019
area_mean 0.987357 0.321086 0.986507 1.000000 0.177028 0.498502 0.685983 0.823269 0.151293 -0.283110 ... 0.962746 0.287489 0.959120 0.959213 0.123523 0.390410 0.512606 0.722017 0.143570 0.003738
smoothness_mean 0.170581 -0.023389 0.207278 0.177028 1.000000 0.659123 0.521984 0.553695 0.557775 0.584792 ... 0.213120 0.036072 0.238853 0.206718 0.805324 0.472468 0.434926 0.503053 0.394309 0.499316
compactness_mean 0.506124 0.236702 0.556936 0.498502 0.659123 1.000000 0.883121 0.831135 0.602641 0.565369 ... 0.535315 0.248133 0.590210 0.509604 0.565541 0.865809 0.816275 0.815573 0.510223 0.687382
concavity_mean 0.676764 0.302418 0.716136 0.685983 0.521984 0.883121 1.000000 0.921391 0.500667 0.336783 ... 0.688236 0.299879 0.729565 0.675987 0.448822 0.754968 0.884103 0.861323 0.409464 0.514930
concave points_mean 0.822529 0.293464 0.850977 0.823269 0.553695 0.831135 0.921391 1.000000 0.462497 0.166917 ... 0.830318 0.292752 0.855923 0.809630 0.452753 0.667454 0.752399 0.910155 0.375744 0.368661
symmetry_mean 0.147741 0.071401 0.183027 0.151293 0.557775 0.602641 0.500667 0.462497 1.000000 0.479921 ... 0.185728 0.090651 0.219169 0.177193 0.426675 0.473200 0.433721 0.430297 0.699826 0.438413
fractal_dimension_mean -0.311631 -0.076437 -0.261477 -0.283110 0.584792 0.565369 0.336783 0.166917 0.479921 1.000000 ... -0.253691 -0.051269 -0.205151 -0.231854 0.504942 0.458798 0.346234 0.175325 0.334019 0.767297
radius_se 0.679090 0.275869 0.691765 0.732562 0.301467 0.497473 0.631925 0.698050 0.303379 0.000111 ... 0.715065 0.194799 0.719684 0.751548 0.141919 0.287103 0.380585 0.531062 0.094543 0.049559
texture_se -0.097317 0.386358 -0.086761 -0.066280 0.068406 0.046205 0.076218 0.021480 0.128053 0.164174 ... -0.111690 0.409003 -0.102242 -0.083195 -0.073658 -0.092439 -0.068956 -0.119638 -0.128215 -0.045655
perimeter_se 0.674172 0.281673 0.693135 0.726628 0.296092 0.548905 0.660391 0.710650 0.313893 0.039830 ... 0.697201 0.200371 0.721031 0.730713 0.130054 0.341919 0.418899 0.554897 0.109930 0.085433
area_se 0.735864 0.259845 0.744983 0.800086 0.246552 0.455653 0.617427 0.690299 0.223970 -0.090170 ... 0.757373 0.196497 0.761213 0.811408 0.125389 0.283257 0.385100 0.538166 0.074126 0.017539
smoothness_se -0.222600 0.006614 -0.202694 -0.166777 0.332375 0.135299 0.098564 0.027653 0.187321 0.401964 ... -0.230691 -0.074743 -0.217304 -0.182195 0.314457 -0.055558 -0.058298 -0.102007 -0.107342 0.101480
compactness_se 0.206000 0.191975 0.250744 0.212583 0.318943 0.738722 0.670279 0.490424 0.421659 0.559837 ... 0.204607 0.143003 0.260516 0.199371 0.227394 0.678780 0.639147 0.483208 0.277878 0.590973
concavity_se 0.194204 0.143293 0.228082 0.207660 0.248396 0.570517 0.691270 0.439167 0.342627 0.446630 ... 0.186904 0.100241 0.226680 0.188353 0.168481 0.484858 0.662564 0.440472 0.197788 0.439329
concave points_se 0.376169 0.163851 0.407217 0.372320 0.380676 0.642262 0.683260 0.615634 0.393298 0.341198 ... 0.358127 0.086741 0.394999 0.342271 0.215351 0.452888 0.549592 0.602450 0.143116 0.310655
symmetry_se -0.104321 0.009127 -0.081629 -0.072497 0.200774 0.229977 0.178009 0.095351 0.449137 0.345007 ... -0.128121 -0.077473 -0.103753 -0.110343 -0.012662 0.060255 0.037119 -0.030413 0.389402 0.078079
fractal_dimension_se -0.042641 0.054458 -0.005523 -0.019887 0.283607 0.507318 0.449301 0.257584 0.331786 0.688132 ... -0.037488 -0.003195 -0.001000 -0.022736 0.170568 0.390159 0.379975 0.215204 0.111094 0.591328
radius_worst 0.969539 0.352573 0.969476 0.962746 0.213120 0.535315 0.688236 0.830318 0.185728 -0.253691 ... 1.000000 0.359921 0.993708 0.984015 0.216574 0.475820 0.573975 0.787424 0.243529 0.093492
texture_worst 0.297008 0.912045 0.303038 0.287489 0.036072 0.248133 0.299879 0.292752 0.090651 -0.051269 ... 0.359921 1.000000 0.365098 0.345842 0.225429 0.360832 0.368366 0.359755 0.233027 0.219122
perimeter_worst 0.965137 0.358040 0.970387 0.959120 0.238853 0.590210 0.729565 0.855923 0.219169 -0.205151 ... 0.993708 0.365098 1.000000 0.977578 0.236775 0.529408 0.618344 0.816322 0.269493 0.138957
area_worst 0.941082 0.343546 0.941550 0.959213 0.206718 0.509604 0.675987 0.809630 0.177193 -0.231854 ... 0.984015 0.345842 0.977578 1.000000 0.209145 0.438296 0.543331 0.747419 0.209146 0.079647
smoothness_worst 0.119616 0.077503 0.150549 0.123523 0.805324 0.565541 0.448822 0.452753 0.426675 0.504942 ... 0.216574 0.225429 0.236775 0.209145 1.000000 0.568187 0.518523 0.547691 0.493838 0.617624
compactness_worst 0.413463 0.277830 0.455774 0.390410 0.472468 0.865809 0.754968 0.667454 0.473200 0.458798 ... 0.475820 0.360832 0.529408 0.438296 0.568187 1.000000 0.892261 0.801080 0.614441 0.810455
concavity_worst 0.526911 0.301025 0.563879 0.512606 0.434926 0.816275 0.884103 0.752399 0.433721 0.346234 ... 0.573975 0.368366 0.618344 0.543331 0.518523 0.892261 1.000000 0.855434 0.532520 0.686511
concave points_worst 0.744214 0.295316 0.771241 0.722017 0.503053 0.815573 0.861323 0.910155 0.430297 0.175325 ... 0.787424 0.359755 0.816322 0.747419 0.547691 0.801080 0.855434 1.000000 0.502528 0.511114
symmetry_worst 0.163953 0.105008 0.189115 0.143570 0.394309 0.510223 0.409464 0.375744 0.699826 0.334019 ... 0.243529 0.233027 0.269493 0.209146 0.493838 0.614441 0.532520 0.502528 1.000000 0.537848
fractal_dimension_worst 0.007066 0.119205 0.051019 0.003738 0.499316 0.687382 0.514930 0.368661 0.438413 0.767297 ... 0.093492 0.219122 0.138957 0.079647 0.617624 0.810455 0.686511 0.511114 0.537848 1.000000

30 rows × 30 columns

We can see some pairs of features have relatively high correlation, such as radius_mean vs radius_worst and perimeter_mean vs radius_mean. This can give us a warning about variability and stability for later computation and statistical analysis.

Then, we print out some statistics of each column or feature. Since all features are numeric, the describe() method works for each column.

diagnosis radius_mean texture_mean perimeter_mean area_mean smoothness_mean compactness_mean concavity_mean concave points_mean symmetry_mean ... radius_worst texture_worst perimeter_worst area_worst smoothness_worst compactness_worst concavity_worst concave points_worst symmetry_worst fractal_dimension_worst
count 569.000000 569.000000 569.000000 569.000000 569.000000 569.000000 569.000000 569.000000 569.000000 569.000000 ... 569.000000 569.000000 569.000000 569.000000 569.000000 569.000000 569.000000 569.000000 569.000000 569.000000
mean 0.372583 14.127292 19.289649 91.969033 654.889104 0.096360 0.104341 0.088799 0.048919 0.181162 ... 16.269190 25.677223 107.261213 880.583128 0.132369 0.254265 0.272188 0.114606 0.290076 0.083946
std 0.483918 3.524049 4.301036 24.298981 351.914129 0.014064 0.052813 0.079720 0.038803 0.027414 ... 4.833242 6.146258 33.602542 569.356993 0.022832 0.157336 0.208624 0.065732 0.061867 0.018061
min 0.000000 6.981000 9.710000 43.790000 143.500000 0.052630 0.019380 0.000000 0.000000 0.106000 ... 7.930000 12.020000 50.410000 185.200000 0.071170 0.027290 0.000000 0.000000 0.156500 0.055040
25% 0.000000 11.700000 16.170000 75.170000 420.300000 0.086370 0.064920 0.029560 0.020310 0.161900 ... 13.010000 21.080000 84.110000 515.300000 0.116600 0.147200 0.114500 0.064930 0.250400 0.071460
50% 0.000000 13.370000 18.840000 86.240000 551.100000 0.095870 0.092630 0.061540 0.033500 0.179200 ... 14.970000 25.410000 97.660000 686.500000 0.131300 0.211900 0.226700 0.099930 0.282200 0.080040
75% 1.000000 15.780000 21.800000 104.100000 782.700000 0.105300 0.130400 0.130700 0.074000 0.195700 ... 18.790000 29.720000 125.400000 1084.000000 0.146000 0.339100 0.382900 0.161400 0.317900 0.092080
max 1.000000 28.110000 39.280000 188.500000 2501.000000 0.163400 0.345400 0.426800 0.201200 0.304000 ... 36.040000 49.540000 251.200000 4254.000000 0.222600 1.058000 1.252000 0.291000 0.663800 0.207500

8 rows × 31 columns

We can see that the column diagnosis has the mean \(0.3726\). Since we use 0 and 1 to represent belign and malignant cancer, the mean implies that around \(37.26\%\) of the cancers in our data are malignant.

Since the features are numerical, we can also observe their distritbuions. By the central limit theorem in statistics, some of our features should have a approximately normal distribution.

plt.title("Distribution of smoothness_mean")

plt.title("Distribution of compactness_se")

plt.title("Distribution of area_worst")
../_images/data_visual_15_0.png ../_images/data_visual_15_1.png ../_images/data_visual_15_2.png

After plotting the distributions of all the features, we found that the majority of the mean features are roughly symmetric or normal whereas the majority of the se and worst features are relatively right-skewed.

Belign vs Malignant

Since we are interested in studying the difference between belign and malignant cancers, it might be helpful to analyze and compute the statistics of two populations separately and then compare.

belign = clean_data[clean_data['diagnosis'] == 0]
malignant = clean_data[clean_data['diagnosis'] == 1]

We first compare the means of each feature in two populations.

diagnosis 0.0 1.0
radius_mean 12.146524 17.462830
texture_mean 17.914762 21.604906
perimeter_mean 78.075406 115.365377
area_mean 462.790196 978.376415
smoothness_mean 0.092478 0.102898
compactness_mean 0.080085 0.145188
concavity_mean 0.046058 0.160775
concave points_mean 0.025717 0.087990
symmetry_mean 0.174186 0.192909
fractal_dimension_mean 0.062867 0.062680
radius_se 0.284082 0.609083
texture_se 1.220380 1.210915
perimeter_se 2.000321 4.323929
area_se 21.135148 72.672406
smoothness_se 0.007196 0.006780
compactness_se 0.021438 0.032281
concavity_se 0.025997 0.041824
concave points_se 0.009858 0.015060
symmetry_se 0.020584 0.020472
fractal_dimension_se 0.003636 0.004062
radius_worst 13.379801 21.134811
texture_worst 23.515070 29.318208
perimeter_worst 87.005938 141.370330
area_worst 558.899440 1422.286321
smoothness_worst 0.124959 0.144845
compactness_worst 0.182673 0.374824
concavity_worst 0.166238 0.450606
concave points_worst 0.074444 0.182237
symmetry_worst 0.270246 0.323468
fractal_dimension_worst 0.079442 0.091530

Obviously, most of the features have different averages in two populations, but it is hard to tell whether such differences are significant or not. To assess this, we can compare the distributions of features in each population.

plt.hist(belign['smoothness_mean'], alpha=0.5, label="belign")
plt.hist(malignant['smoothness_mean'], alpha=0.5, label="malignant")
plt.title("Distributions of smoothness_mean in two populations")

plt.hist(belign['compactness_se'], alpha=0.5, label="belign")
plt.hist(malignant['compactness_se'], alpha=0.5, label="malignant")
plt.title("Distributions of compactness_se in two populations")

plt.hist(belign['area_worst'], alpha=0.5, label="belign")
plt.hist(malignant['area_worst'], alpha=0.5, label="malignant")
plt.title("Distributions of area_worse in two populations")
../_images/data_visual_23_0.png ../_images/data_visual_23_1.png ../_images/data_visual_23_2.png

We chose the same three features we plotted before. We can see that although belign and malignant have different distributions in all the plots, it is still hard to judge whether it is due to the randomness since two populations have different size (as showed clearly in smoothness_mean feature). Thus, we should conduct some more rigorous statistical hypothesis testing, such as two-sample t-test, to judge this. And this will be done in a separate notebook called two-populations-analysis.ipynb.