Statistics 159/259: Weekly Plan

Prof. Pérez and GSI Sapienza , Department of Statistics, UC Berkeley

Below is our current plan for the course. This is not a contract: it is a plan, and it may change substantially as the semester unfolds, especially given extra uncertainties due to COVID-19.

The table of contents on the left pane has links to lectures and labs. The following are live executable links that use the nbgitpuller service to give you a current copy from git of the given content, ready to be run in the Spring 2022 Berkeley hub. You can use these links in order to run the content conveniently without manual git work.


Note that all lecture videos are posted on the bCourses “Lectures” playlist for the course (this link is accessible only to Berkeley personnel).

  1. Jan 19. Logistics and intro to Git.

  2. Jan 26. JupyterHub, JupyterLab and its various tools, dotfiles for reproducible personal configuration.

  3. Feb 2. Github, Git tutorial continued. (Note: this lecture has damaged audio for the 2nd half).

  4. Feb 9. Git visuals, an overview of Project Jupyter. IPython - beyond plain Python.

  5. Feb 16. Rich output in Jupyter, VNC and virtual desktops in JupyterLab. Introduction to nbdime.

  6. Feb 23. Climate data, xarray and open science at NASA. Guest lecture by Dr. Chelle Gentemann.

  7. March 2. Merge conflicts with nbdime (sample repo). Custom display logic in Jupyter. (Note: this lecture has damaged audio for the last ~ 45 minutes).

  8. March 9. Automation and Make, based on the Carpentries’ tutorial.

  9. March 16. Python Testing and Continuous Integration, based on the Carpentries’ tutorial.

  10. March 30. Environments and Makefiles, binder.

  11. April 6. Packaging Python software (illustrated via a toy example). A conceptual overview of matplotlib, including an quick intro to Object Oriented Programming.

  12. April 13. Documentation, JupyterBook and Github Pages & Actions.

  13. April 20. Data Serialization.

  14. April 27. Four vignettes in Open Science (each name links to their slides):

    • Lisa Rennels - PhD student at Berkeley who works on integrated modeling of the social and economic impact of climate change with Julia; co-lead on the Mimi Framework project.

    • Jordi Bolibar - Postdoc in glaciology at Utrecht University, working on projects that combine machine learning and physics to understand the fate of glaciers, with Julia.

    • Whyjay Zheng - Postdoc at UC Berkeley in my group, who works on both modeling glaciers and understanding them with remote sensing data, with Python.

    • Jarrod Millman - researcher at Berkeley who has been one of the leaders in the Scientific Python community since the early days, and today co-leads an effort to guide the ecosystem into the next decade.

Assigned Readings

When an assignment consists of multiple articles, you should submit a summary paragraph and idea highlight paragraph per each separate article.